Wednesday, August 22, 2012

gluey messes and cardboard cutouts

These past couple weeks, I've just been having way too much fun instead of making any work. On my downtime, I allow myself to quietly panic about my last year at MICA and post-grad plans. To prevent this feeling, I've been forcing myself to go out. It's not the worst vicious cycle I've ever heard of.

The class I've been co-teaching this session at The Montclair Art Museum is called Team Sculpture. It's a class of about thirty kids who get together to make large scale sculptures usually, if not exclusively, out of papier mache. Honestly, I was a little worried, though even my worst imagined scenario was only aggravation. The class is only an hour and fifteen minutes and includes tons of paper, cardboard, glue and children. I anticipated chaos. After a week and a half of teaching the class, I can proudly say that the kids have completely exceeded my expectation. They are amazing! Not only are they as well behaved as thirty kids can be together, they've really been trying hard to work together to recreate some pretty intricate sculpture we chose for them. The theme of this SummerArt session is "Portraiture", so we decided to look at the portraits of Roman figures including: Julius Caesar, Augustus Caesar, Marcus Aurelius, a Flavian princess, Constantine the Great, and his hand.

Marcus Aurelius

Constantine the Great

dismembered body parts of the humungous Constantine sculpture

Flavian princess

Julius Caesar

I think they're pretty awesome, especially since most of these kids can't even look over their sculpture.

Also, I want to mention a band some of my friends are in called That's Rugby! If anything, check them out to see the typeface I made for their band name/album title :) Until next time.

Monday, August 6, 2012

foto fun + lite reading

I just got myself a scanner/printer, and I'm loving it :) I can explore a lot of different imagery really quickly. It's been fun. 

maker gif

Also, I just got a few books out from the library. They are:
Sunset Park by Paul Auster
Oblivion by David Foster Wallace

I'm excited to get into them! More updates later.