Saturday, February 27, 2010

the important things

the weight,
the heaviness that I am always thinking about
pushes and pulls my sanity.
maybe that's why i'm always stuck.
it's thinking about opposites that gets me;
i can't choose (what is right/wrong).

aren't i supposed to be able to see right and wrong (as being different)?

how can we all be human?
it makes no sense.
how can humans be another type of animal
when we are all so different?

maybe each horse is different from one another,
each with a goal,
thinking about tomorrow
before thinking about today.


there are too many categories
and divisions/multiplicity;
and it grows and grows
and narrows down,
down down down
until the end
until a face
is faced,

and everything you ever knew about any grouping is made wrong
by a new story

and the purpose is (un)clear

the only thing to do is to keep busy with numbers and calculations and things to fill a space,
some space
any space.

someday the things that fill our space will send us out to fall
(and what we think to be falling is really only these things pulling us,
sending us, where we we are meant to go) because we have no other choice.

not to say that the lack of choice is a dead end,
but rather a blessing.
one cannot do everything alone,
which is why we have destiny,
the pull of the planets,
the lines in our palms,
the push of the air that
brings us to one another,
and the beauty in the

Tuesday, February 23, 2010


=to fall heavily

Maybe we can never fall. We can compare ourselves
to the center of the earth and the distance to the sun
and feel happy with knowing we can only be right here.
We can compare our faults to the faults of others
and consider ourselves just a little bit smarter,
smart enough to stand up straight.

The push and pullof time and idea
will either hold me up or pull stilts away
from all around meand watch as I
[sto piombando].

About Time

Three o' clock is always too late or too early for anything you want to do.